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Le contenu de cette publication est uniquement destine a des fins d information, testosterone homme acheter stanozolol 10mg. The effect of showering at 2 or 6 hours post-dose on Day 7 resulted in 13 and 12 decreases in mean C avg , respectively, compared to Day 6 when no shower was taken after drug application. Showering at 10 hours after drug application had no effect on bioavailability, . The amount of testosterone remaining in the outer layers of the skin at the application site on the 7th day was assessed using a tape stripping procedure and was reduced by at least 80 after showering 2-10 hours post-dose compared to on the 6th day when no shower was taken after drug application..


He bumped into a Russian physicist in a bar, who spilled the beans on the Soviet s success after a few drinks revealing that the Russian athletes were taking exogenous testosterone, prendre 2 stéroïdes oraux en même temps.. Use In Specific Populations, prendre 2 stéroïdes oraux en même temps. Pregnancy Category X see CONTRAINDICATIONS AndroGel 1. Testosterone is teratogenic and may cause fetal harm. Exposure of a fetus to androgens may result in varying degrees of virilization. If this drug is used during pregnancy, or if the patient becomes pregnant while taking this drug, the patient should be made aware of the potential hazard to the fetus.

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