hamilcar barca was black

hamilcar barca was black

The rebel army was starved of supplies and eventually sought to surrender. An unnamed fourth son is often referred to, but details are lacking. Neither side would seek to recruit soldiers, levy tribute or build public buildings on the other power's territories. Mago and Hasdrubal were his younger brothers. World History Encyclopedia. He was appointed commander in chief in Sicily in 247 B.C., when, after 18 years of fighting, the Carthaginian forces were at their lowest. Hamilcar Barca / ( hmlk bk, hmlk) / noun died ?228 bc, Carthaginian general; father of Hannibal. It is possible that Hamilcar Barca secured the last clause after the initial conditions, which were more favorable to Carthage, was altered by Rome with a harsher one. Corn Fleuron T083009-22.png 1,086 649; 65 KB. He distinguished himself during the First Punic War in 247, when he took over the chief command in Sicily, which at . Hamilcar killed his prisoners and announced a policy of equal measure toward future rebel prisoners, thus ending any chance of desertion from the rebel army and the truceless war began in earnest. By the winter of 238 BC, the Mercenary revolt was over. But now the 20,000 man army had to be paid their full due. [33] Hamilcar managed to inflict severe casualties on the Romans soon after, and when the Roman consul requested a truce to bury his dead, Hamilcar replied that his quarrel was with the living only and the dead had already settled their dues, and granted the truce.[34]. This army was small for leading a sortie against the stronger rebel forces, especially to lead into a pitched battle. The World History Encyclopedia logo is a registered trademark. He was one of the greatest military commanders in history. Hamilcar Barca or Barcas (Punic: c. 275-228 BC) was a Carthaginian general and statesman, leader of the Barcid family, and father of Hannibal, Hasdrubal and Mago. Hippacra and Utica were both besieged, and Hanno was unable to free them. Second Punic War In 228 BCE, Hamilcar was killed in battle and command of the Carthaginian army went to his son-in-law Hasdrubal the Fair (l. c. 270-221 BCE). [88] Phoenician colonies were strung along the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts of southwestern Spain and exercised some degree of control over their immediate areas, but only had trading contacts, not direct control, over the tribes of Iberia at that time. Valerius Maximus has Hamilcar speak of "four lion's whelps which I have raised to exterminate the Roman name. Was Hanno a Barca? By 490 BC, Massalia had managed to defeat Carthage twice, and a boundary along Cape Nao in Iberia was agreed upon,[102] while Carthage had closed the Straits of Gibraltar to foreign shipping. Hamilcar Barca gathered the Carthaginian soldiers from Drepana and Eryx at Lilybaeum, surrendered his command,[48] returned to Carthage and retired to private life, leaving Gisco and the Carthaginian government to pay off his soldiers. His third daughter married the Berber ally Naravas,[120] a Numidian chieftain whose defection had saved Hamilcar and his army during the mercenary war. He employed combined arms tactics, like Alexander and Pyrrhus,[20] and his strategy was similar to the one employed by Quintus Fabius Maximus in the Second Punic War, ironically against Hannibal, the eldest son of Hamilcar Barca, in Italy during 217 BC. America's Black dilemma 275 - 228 BC) was a Carthaginian general and statesman, leader of the Barcid family, and father of Hannibal, Hasdrubal and Mago. In the end in 237 bc Hamilcar won the war and in spite of his promises he had the leaders of the rebels crucified. Lance Serge states that Hamilcar's family was part of the landed aristocracy of Carthage. Carthage often hauled defeated generals and admirals before the Tribunal of 100 and had them crucified, so Hamilcar probably distanced himself from the possibility of prosecution if the Roman terms turned out to be harsh enough for Carthaginian authorities to seek a scapegoat. A History of Hamilcar: Akre Leuca, Dream City of Hamilcar Barca- Part II. (Encyclopaedia Britannica . The following 13 files are in this category, out of 13 total. The Carthaginian army would surrender their weapons and all Roman deserters immediately. He was also father-in-law to Hasdrubal the Fair. Accordingly, Hamilcar Barca was dispatched in 237 BCE to expand Carthaginian territory, which he did, establishing his base at Gades (Cadiz) and founding a new city of Acra Leuce. One historian commented that had he not been the father of Hannibal, Hamilcar's Sicilian front might have received scant notice. He fights with a sword and shield, which could mean he fights as either a Murmillo, Thraex, or Samnite. Had Hamilcar suffered a decisive defeat, casualties and prisoners would have diminished their numbers and Carthage would have had an excuse not to pay anything. Rebel leaders feared mass desertions might result because of Hamilcar's policy towards prisoners. The war was now becoming particularly brutal with atrocities committed on both sides. By this time he had three daughters, and his son Hannibal was born during the same year. Hamilcar's other two sons were Hasdrubal Barca and Hasdrubal Gisco, both of whom commanded during the Second Punic War. The name Hamilcar (PunicPhoenician mlqrt, brother of Melqart) was a common name for Carth License. Hanno sailed to Utica in the spring of 241 BC, obtained siege equipment from the city and overran the rebel camp, the rebels fleeing before the charging Punic elephants. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout, Merlot II, OER Commons and School Library Journal. He then quashed a rebellion closer to home between 241 and 237 BCE before returning abroad, where he successfully expanded Carthaginian interests in southern Spain. The Barca family originated from the celebrated Numidian warriors. Hamilcar offered to allow all the rebels to depart freely with a single garment, but retained the right to detain 10 persons. As a primarily mounted general in Evony, Hamilcar Barca has mounted buffs of 20% in total when all specialties are maxed out. 'Hamilcar', from the Punic hml-qrt, means follower or servant of Melqart, the Phoenician/Punic god whilst 'Barca' is thought to derive from the Punic word barqa, meaning lightning, and was used in reference to Hamilcar's guerrilla tactics used in the First Punic War. Heavy infantry formed the rearguard, and the whole army marched in a single file in battle formation. Furthermore, Hamilcar allied with Hasdrubal the Fair,[80] his future son in law, to restrict the power of the aristocracy, which was led by Hanno the Great,[81] as well as gain immunity from prosecution. If he had lived in the United . Hamilcar, upon taking command in the summer of 247 BC,[21] punished the rebellious mercenaries (who had revolted because of overdue payments) by murdering some of them at night and drowning the rest at sea,[22] and dismissing many to different parts of northern Africa. Discover Hamilcar Barca: The Life and Legacy of the Legendary Carthaginian General by Charles River Editors and millions of other books available at Barnes & Noble. He held command (247-41) during the first Punic War and established Carthaginian influence in Spain (237-?228) vol. The daylight outside was beginning to strike on the folding shutters of black lattice-work. This loss was not huge, but after decades of war, it drove the cash-strapped Carthaginians to instruct Hamilcar to seek peace terms. See also Hamilcar Barca on Wikipedia; and our 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica disclaimer . Themes. Hamilcar died in battle, most likely drowning in the Jucar River while besieging a place called Helice and trying to escape from a Celtiberian army. Massalia had become friendly with Rome over the years, if not an outright ally by 237 BC, and this connection would become a significant factor in the power politics of the region. Boston Harbor. Newest results. [60], According to another line of thought,[61] Hamilcars army marched in three separate columns, with the war elephants placed nearest the rebel army. But who reads Polybius (1.65-83) can see how he came to this act. So he did. Hamilcar ( Punic: , MLK) [1] was a general who succeeded to the command of the Carthaginians in the First Punic War. Carthaginians celebrated Hannibals crossing of the Alps with coins that depicted his face on one side and an elephant on the other. This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Hamilcar-Barca. Rome suspected Carthage of aiding the natives, and had sent embassies to Carthage in 236, 235, 233 and 230 BC to accuse and threaten the Punic state. We have coins which are apparently presenting the image of Hamilcar (Hannibal's Father) and Hasdrubal (Hannibal's brother.) After the defeat of the Carthaginian fleet in that year by Gaius Lutatius Catulus, the Carthaginians made a treaty with the Romans that ended the war. i. p. 391; Auson. He defeated Rome 's allies at the Battle of Thermae in 259 BC and killed 4,000-6,000 of them with the help of surprise and good use of military intelligence. According . was a great Carthaginian general and statesman in the First Punic War who firmly established Carthaginian rule in Spain. In various forms, the name . Sicily had been the principal battleground but had yet to see a decisive victory for either side. Boston, Massachusetts, United States - April 20, 2013: Boston Harbor. Hamilcar, after subduing Turdetania[107] next moved east from Gades towards Cape Nao. Eryx (Monte San Giuliano),[30] from which he was able to lend support to the besieged garrison in the neighbouring town of Drepanum (Trapani). [104] Hamilcar then fought a 50,000 strong army under a chieftain named Indortes. Byk komutan Hannibal'n babas. The Carthaginian army was caught in a pincer movement; Hamilcar pretended to retreat, and Spendius likely attempted to trap the outnumbered Carthaginians against the river with his two forces, pinning them with one and out-flanking them with the other. Not only did the Carthaginians lose the First Punic War and so the control of Sicily but they were also compelled to pay huge reparations to Rome. There are several versions to what happened next: Orissus offered to aid Hamilcar, then attacked the Punic army, and Hamilcar drowned during a retreat across the Jucar river;[114] the Oretani sent ox-driven carts to the Carthaginian position, then set them on fire and Hamilcar died in the resulting melee;[115] Hamilcar accepted an offer to parley, then led the enemy in one direction while Hannibal and Hasdrubal Barca fled in the opposite direction. Hannibal Barca was probably a black Carthaginian military commander; he became famous for his crossing of the Alps, his strategic brilliance before taking on major campaigns, his tactical genius on the battlefield, and his operational prowess during combat. Hamilcar commanded the Carthaginian land forces in Sicily from 247BC to 241BC, during the latter stages of the First Punic War. Hannibal Barca was a renowned general and statesman. Epist. According to Polybius, the causes of the Second Punic war were as follows: Based on this, and Hannibal's oath, some historians infer that Hamilcar's post-Mercenary War activities were aimed at eventual war with Rome, which was inherited by his sons, and some further suggested that Hamilcar devised the strategy of invading Italy by crossing the Alps as well as Hannibal's battle tactics. This position allowed Hamilcar to hold a mountain base and harass the rear of the Roman forces who were besieging Drepana and Lilybaeum, which were Carthage's last remaining strongholds on Sicily. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Related Content The Iberian army fled before the battle was joined. By the time Hamilcar had conquered southern and south-east Spain, Rome became suspicious of their old enemy's intentions. Rome, which had dealt with Carthage with all due honor and courtesy during the crisis, going as far as to release all Punic prisoners without ransom and refuse to accept offers from Utica and Rebels mercenaries based in Sardinia to incorporate these territories into the Roman domain, seized Sardinia and Corsica and forced Carthage to pay 1,200 talents for her initial refusal to renounce her claim over the islands. He was appointed commander in chief in Sicily in 247 B.C., when, after 18 years of fighting, the Carthaginian forces were at their lowest. After weeks of maneuvering, Hamilcar finally managed to trap about 40,000 rebels in a valley surrounded on three sides by mountains.[66]. One of his most famous achievements was at the outbreak of the Second Punic War, i. hamilcar the carthaginian, the son of hannibal, and surnamed barcas, began in the first punic war, but towards the end of it, to hold the command of the army in sicily; and though, before his coming, the efforts of the carthaginians were unsuccessful both by sea and land, he, after he arrived, never gave way to the enemy,226 or afforded them Hamilcar commanded the Carthaginian land forces in Sicily from 247 BC to 241 BC, during the latter stages of the First Punic War. It is cognate with the Arabic name Barq, Maltese word Berqa, the Assyrian Neo-Aramaic name Barkho, and the Hebrew name Barak and equivalent to the Greek Keraunos, which was borne by many commanders contemporary with Hamilcar and his son Hannibal.[3]. The gloomy situation changed when first Syracuse and then Rome came to the aid of Carthage. Hannibal son of Hamilcar Barca was an African in the sense that he was born in Africa, but he was relative light-skinned, the same way that Tunisians are today. Hamilcar next moved to confront the army of Matho at Tunis. According to Appian, Hamilcar was thrown from his horse and drowned in a river,[116] but Polybius says he fell in battle in an unknown corner of Iberia against an unnamed tribe. Hamilcar retired to Carthage after the peace treaty in 241BC, following the defeat of Carthage. Coin minted at Carthagena C.230 BC, showing the bearded head of Melqart, generally regarded as a portrait of Hamilcar Barca. Carthaginians may have taken control of the mining operations and introduced new technologies to increase production. [18] With a small force and no money to hire new troops, Hamilcar's strategic goal probably was to maintain a stalemate, as he had neither the resources to win the war nor the authority to peacefully settle it. Dr. Hamilcar Barcas (also called Hamical Balcus in some translations) is one of the primary antagonists of Guyver: The Bioboosted Armour. He divided his army: Hannibal took half of the soldiers and camped to the north of Tunis, while Hamilcar camped to the south, thus hemming in Matho's army in Tunis. As the strain on the Punic population increased, Carthaginian authorities then sent them off to Sicca, planning to plead with the whole army to forgo their unpaid wages by pointing out the dire financial situation of Carthage. The initial conditions laid out by Lutatius to Gisco were:[40], Hamilcar Barca refused the demand to surrender Roman deserters or disarm Carthaginian soldiers, despite being threatened by Lutatius to have the Punic army pass under the yoke. The second daughter was married to Hasdrubal the Fair. Discussion Starter. The Carthaginian leadership probably thought Rome had been defeated and invested little manpower in Sicily. Hamilcar had managed to persuade the Numidian prince Naravas to defect with his cavalry force to the Carthaginian side, lured by the promise of Hamilcar's daughter for his wife. The Encyclopedia of Military Biography; Trevor N. Dupuy and others; 1995. [121] Without Punic records to cross reference, these remain mere supposition. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Hamilcar first raided the Italian coast at Bruttium in 247 BCE, perhaps in search of booty to pay his mercenaries, and then landed on Sicily at Heircte near Panormus (Palermo). [1], The cognomen or epithet BRQ () means "thunderbolt" or "shining". Since the coin was found near Lake Trasimene where Hannibal defeated the Romans, this fact offers good confirmation that coins image resembled Hannibals real ethnic appearance because one of way of celebrating a victory in ancient warfare was to have a coin minted in your honor and showing yourself as your enemys deity. Hanno "The Great"[14] was in charge of operations in Africa since 248 BC and had conquered considerable territory by 241 BC. [25] On his return he seized a strong position on Mount Ercte (Monte Pellegrino, just north of Palermo or Mt. Cartwright, M. (2016, June 01). [16] As a result, Hamilcar was given a fairly small army and the Carthaginian fleet was gradually withdrawn; Carthage put most of its ships into reserve to save money and free up manpower,[12][13] so by 242 BC, Carthage had no ships to speak of in Sicily.[17]. Hamilcar died in battle, most likely drowning in the Jucar River while besieging a place called Helice and trying to escape from a Celtiberian army. When the rebel leaders agreed to the terms, Hamilcar detained the rebel delegation. The carbon dating of the coin is 217 BCE. For at a time when some say Hannibal was black and others that he was white, De Sousa tells us (and other ancient Iberian historians agree) that Hamilcar Barca had taken a Lusitanian woman as bride and had children by her. The rebel loss was 8,000 dead with 4,000 captured. [58] Hamilcar unleashed his trap as the disorderly rebels closed on his formation. The Skaven warlord Ikrit accepted, but revealed only a clanrat . The rebels mutilated prisoners, and Hamilcar had his captives trampled on by elephants. Hamirukaru Barukasu) (also: Hamical Balcus, Hamilcar Valkus) known as Barcas 'The Elder' (, Barukasu ), he is one of the main antagonists of Guyver: Bioboosted Armour and the co-founder of Chronos, the third eldest member of theCouncil of Twelve, as well as Chronos's most brilliant scientist. The end finally came on 10th March 241 BCE when the Romans defeated a Carthaginian fleet led by Hanno sent to relieve the besieged city of Drepana off the Aegates Islands (Isole Egadi). Amazons Who Were the Ancient Female Warriors? Through brilliant maneuvering, Hamilcar inflicted a heavy defeat on the rebel forces, leading to the killing of 8,000 mercenaries and the capturing of 2,000 men. Apr 3, 2011. Legend tells that he founded the port of Barcino (deriving its name from the Barca family), which was later adopted and used by the Roman Empire and is, today, the city of Barcelona. Hanno and Hamilcar unleashed reprisals against the Numidian tribes that had sided with the rebels,[70] and the generals probably extended Carthaginian territory in Africa at the same time. Hamilcar's immediate objective was to secure access to the gold and silver mines of Sierra Morena, either by direct and indirect control. Autaritus announced that he would do the same with all Punic prisoners that fell into rebel hands in future. [4] Unfortunately Tony Bath omits references. Carthaginian warships were forbidden to sail along Italian shores or those of their allies. He was one of the greatest military commanders in history. Early life Hamilcar Barca or Barcas (c. 275 228 BC) was a Carthaginian general and statesman, leader of the Barcid family, and father of Hannibal, Hasdrubal and Mago. Hannibal was inclined to the god, Apollo. The expelled mercenaries took refuge in Italy and again requested Rome to take over Sardinia. Hamilcar was a young man of 28 when he received the Sicilian command in 247 BC. Carthage at this time was feeling the strain of the prolonged conflict. While he may appear to be an old man, he is one of the most powerful of the Twelve Zoalords, the co-founder of Cronos and its leading scientist. They managed to take over all Punic territories in Sardinia. Hamilcar's move away from the traditional naval power of Carthage to a land force was reaping fantastic rewards. When Utica and Hippo Acra held out, Hanno and Hamilcar besieged them, eventually receiving their surrender on terms. Until the rise to power of his son Hannibal, Hamilcar was the finest commander and statesman that Carthage had produced. [86] Hamilcar's political clout in Carthage may have been enough to stifle any opposition in Carthage against his Iberian venture,[87] or he did face stiff opposition and had used the booty from his Iberian campaigns to buy his way out. In 219 B.C., Hannibal led a . Updates? 3rd-century BCE Carthaginian statesman and general, father of Hannibal, sfn error: no target: CITEREFScullard2006 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFBagnall1999 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFGoldsworthy2006 (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFRankov2015 (, Diodorus Siculus 24.10, Polybius 1.73.1, 1.72.3. He supplemented his original force of some 25,000 with local recruits and amassed a 50,000-strong army which included a corps of Numidian cavalry (supplied by Prince Naravas) and 100 elephants. The Book of Inventions; Thomas J. Craughwell; 2008. The success of Hamilcar and his family in Spain, which rebuilt Carthaginian finances and created a standing army, giving Carthage the means to resist Rome. Some of the surviving rebels fled towards Utica; others, after being driven from their camp near the bridge, fled to Tunis. With a reduced army and fleet, Hamilcar commenced his operations. Hamilcar Barca. Meanwhile, Mathos had defeated a Carthaginian army, and he dealt the same treatment to the captured Carthaginian general. Hamilcar Barca (c. 275-228 BC), the great Carthaginian general and father of the famous Hannibal and his brothers Hasdrubal and Mago, was from North Africa, perhaps born in Cyrene in Libya, according to some scholars. Hamilcar Barca (c. 285 c. 228 BCE) was a Carthaginian general active in the First Punic War (264-241 BCE). Hamilcar Barca or Barcas (c. 275 - 228 BC) was a Carthaginian general and statesman, leader of the Barcid family, and father of Hannibal, Hasdrubal and Mago. Carthage would pay 2,200 silver talents in 10 year installments, and 1,000 talents immediately; a total of 3,200 talents as war reparations. After 15 years of fighting, there was still no end in sight to the Second Punic War. Autaritus spread the rumor that Carthaginian prisoners led by Gisco were plotting to escape. These "Fabian tactics" continued until Hamilcar encamped in a valley, probably near Nepheris, and the rebels trapped his army, with the Libyans blocking the exit, Spendius and his troops camping near the Punic army and the Numidians covering Hamilcar's rear. The milder terms Rome had given to Carthage in the aftermath of the First Punic War, and the friendly conduct of Rome during the mercenary war might have raised the possibility of a long period of peace between the two powers, but the seizure of Sardinia destroyed any real chance of peace among equals. With Hannibal and son-in-law Hasdrubal (the Handsome), he and an army of elephants and Phoenician and Numidian troops battled Iberian tribes, founded the city of Akra Leuke (modern Alicante), acquired huge quantities of Spanish silver bullion, and solidified new political and military alliances. Certainly, tribute in money, if not men, was extracted from local cities and new silver mines were worked. Please note that content linked from this page may have different licensing terms. Hercte west of Panormus. Syracuse redoubled the volume of supplies sent to Carthage. Until the rise to power of his son Hannibal, Hamilcar was the finest commander and statesman that Carthage had produced. [51] The rebels divided their forces: detachments were sent to besiege Utica and Hippo, while others cut Carthage off from the mainland, probably in the winter of 241 BC or spring of 240 BC. You can obtain Hamilcar Barca from the tavern. Hamilcar Barca. 285-c. 229 B.C.) Then the enterprising Hamilcar Barca came to the fore. Hamilcar, furious that Sicily had been given up too soon, while he had been undefeated,[77] could rely on support from this party. As the cavalry and then the elephants came closer to the infantry Hamilcar ordered each in turn to also wheel about to face the rebels. Roman consul Fundanius (243/2 BC) arrogantly replied that Hamilcar should request a truce to save his living and denied the request. The difference was that Fabius commanded a numerically superior army to his opponent, had no supply problems, and had room to manoeuvre, while Hamilcar was mostly static, had a far smaller army than the Romans and was dependent on seaborne supplies from Carthage. Hamilcar, on his own responsibility and without the consent of the Carthaginian government,[85] ferried the army across to Gades to start an expedition into Hispania (236 BC), where he hoped to gain a new empire to compensate Carthage for the loss of Sicily and Sardinia. The actions of Hamilcar, and his immunity to defeat, plus the stalemate at the siege of Lilybaeum caused the Romans to start building a fleet in 243 BC to seek a decision at sea. [64] In response, Hamilcar began to harass the rebel supply lines and soon the rebels were placed in a state of siege. The war, which had started in 264 BC, continued after the Romans abandoned Africa; however, neither side gained a decisive advantage until 249 BC. According to Cornelius Nepot, "he provided the whole of Africa with horses, weapons, and money". This page was last edited on 26 October 2022, at 21:30. In respect of individual courage the Romans were far superior, but the general who must be acknowledged as the greatest on either side, both in daring and in genius, was . [68] Hamilcar retreated north near the mouth of the Bagradas River, while Matho crucified his prisoners on the same crosses Hamilcar had used to crucify the rebel leaders, then retreated out of Tunis and moved south. 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Taken control of the surviving rebels fled towards Utica ; others, after being from... That Carthaginian prisoners led by Gisco were hamilcar barca was black to escape and shield, which mean. The name Hamilcar ( PunicPhoenician mlqrt, brother of Melqart, generally regarded a... Specialties are maxed out money & quot ; he provided the whole army marched in single... Wikipedia ; and our 1911 Encyclopdia Britannica disclaimer the end in sight to the gold and silver mines were.! M. ( 2016, June 01 ) rebels to depart freely with reduced... Commanded the Carthaginian land forces in Sicily from 247BC to 241BC, following the defeat of Carthage commanded during First! Chief command in 247, when he took over the chief command in 247 BC was extracted local... To depart freely with a sword and shield, which at to be paid their full due single... Year installments, and Hanno was unable to free them ( PunicPhoenician mlqrt, brother of Melqart, regarded! 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hamilcar barca was black

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