why isn't phil harding in the new time team

why isn't phil harding in the new time team

The old team are the best Mick, Phil, Tony et al.. think Channel 4 have made a HUGE mistake bet they wont listen to the public.. Time Team is shown in the U.S. on the History Channel as "History Explorer" or something like that. It's understandable that he should wish to protect a talent of such a tender age, but most expected . It encouraged me to study the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages. I started looking to find more information about the history of Henham park & was so sad to see the show has been axed. PLEASE bring it back. Sounds ageism to me, isnt that against the law now? Most of these posts hope that the Beeb could resurrect TT somehow, but AN ENORMOUS THANK YOU TO THE CAST AND CREW FOR THE FABULOUS YEARS THEY HAVE GIVEN US. yours MRS HILDA LESLEY CARRINGTON. Tony R told us that the fort was not connected by road What???? I want to salute everyone involved in this show! Have only just found out that Time Team has been axed after 20 years and I am gutted. I wonder if channel programmers read these blogs? He has since become an acknowledged expert on flint-knapping and is skilled in lithic reduction using both percussive techniques and pressure flaking, in which, instead of striking the flint with blows, pressure is exerted on the edges to shape the tool. I would joke with my kids when doing some gardening that I might unearth a roman soldier or a roman coin. & has never been more pi**ed off 2 here that its being The changes proved too much, too fast, and viewing figures crashed to 700,000. Is this why some of the Adverts are much better than most of the currant programmes. I also helped out at two hisoric sites with two different groups of 11-13 uear old kids who spent half a day five days in a row learning what archeology is. And now our children and grandchildren watch the programme but not for long now. Jim describes this miscalculation as a death blow, which cost the show almost all of its behind the scenes staff. [3] On 24 July 2008, he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Southampton in archaeology. But in this, as in so many other ways, Time Team bucks the trend. But, as always with Time Team, the adventure is in the discovery of the secrets of the past, whatever they are!, Landowner Martin Fiennes a cousin of actors Ralph and Joseph Fiennes, and explorer Sir Ranulph says: Were delighted to welcome Time Team to Broughton. And Ive always thought tony was perfectly great as the show presenter, interested and fun, a joy to watch. Unlike many here, I think Mary Anne Ochota was a qualified addition to evolve and maintain the momentum of the series. Always worked so hard and made sense of sites that could have remained a mystery. Copyright Brand Exponents 2017. There are DVDs, some available on Amazon uk. I am devastated to hear about Mick Aston.. It is about time ABC Australia got there act together and started to replay ALL the episodes, from the first, so that we dont all go crazy from withdrawal symptoms. With my boys now being 8, 6 and 4 years old, we are still watching the episodes and in our holidays we try out some of the things weve seen on TT. If it doesnt involve foul-mouthed yobs eating too much, drinking too much or better still both, they arent bovvered. I have watched Time Team for years as has my son and many many friends. If those of us who have never met him mourn today, how much more must his friends and family be feeling his passing? His sharp, charming wit and fresh-faced boyish looks made him the prime target for the historical re-enactment spots on the show. The team also included the likes of surveyors Stewart Ainsworth and Henry Chapman, illustrator Victor Ambrus, and fellow archaeologists Helen Geake and Phil Harding, and gradually the show. (3 different history channels, Discovery channel, Travel channel, Military channel, National Geographic channel the list goes on and on. 2017, My husband and I decided to get rid of our tv when we had 2 young sons. well done on ending one of the best programs on tele. According to the Wisconsin State Journal, citing court documents, Robinson dealt with anxiety issues, depression and ADHD. I dont think I could stand watching Phils grotty hat for one more season. I too am upset that this has been axed. thank god for the repeats. My children are 13 and 12, and we all like to sit down as a family and watch this programme together and learn something. Also, the most recent posters may not have heard of Mick Astons premature death. I would be very interested in acquiring DVDs of the whole series to watch at my leaisure. I have always enjoyed TT but the latest series seems to have lost its spark! Unequivocally, After much anticipation, were delighted to announce that, Personal life. Channel 4s choices are definitely a bit strange to many of us. Fret not, the programs will haunt the repeats channels until they become their own archaeology as a worked example of how the medium started to dictate the content. If you are using our Services via a browser you can restrict, block or remove cookies through your web browser settings. anyone want to correspond about this i would like for them to write me. When I signed there were 1,600 names. What happened to the Time Team crew? Would love to see a new Time Team series up and running again especially now theyve found King Richard llls body, also instead of 3 days to uncover make it a 5-7 days to uncover maybe Geo-physics could find out a lot more information so here is a challenge to all the mainstream TV channels bring back Time Team! We are delighted to announce that Matt Williams has joined the ever expanding Wessex Archaeology team. I have watched Time Team from day one, and now my 11 and 9 year old daughters love to watch it, in fact my youngest commented she would like to be an archaeologist when she grows up, and this is from watching Time Team, I cannot believe Time Team has been axed, its a national institution. He is 10. Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really didnt like that nasty dendrochronologist who wouldnt show his results though idiot! 19891997. But Channel 4 has dumb it down, the last episode i watched was at Henham Park down the road from me, They found out nothing that wasnt local knowledge already. Thank you Time Team for all those wonderful hours of thoroughly enjoyable entertainment. why change what works well and T T did work well . With Season 20 airing next year, and a series of one-off specials running into 2014, there is still new Time Team on the way. Created by television producer Tim Taylor and presented by actor Tony Robinson, each episode featured a team of specialists carrying out an archaeological dig over a period of three days, with Robinson explaining the process in lay terms. Restructuring, avoiding dumbing down, possibly making it a shorter programme all could help. RIP MICK ASTON. Im tired of the idiots that run TV and Im ready for revolution.whos with me!!! They managed against terrific odds.and that gave me a good feeling ! The format was being refreshed in a bid to stem slowly falling ratings. Think again C4, as someone who is 40 years outside your target audience, all axing this program has done is make me switch channels, so demographically relevant or not you have simply lost another viewer and surely viewer numbers are more important than some misguided attempt to only appeal to a certain age group? Matt has dressed up and lived the life of a Roman soldier, Medieval lay-brother and even home-guard infantry, to name a few. TV archaeologist Phil, 69, said knives never used to be a "nasty object". Available to view on 4oD (www.channel4.com/programmes/timesigns/4oD), watching it now provides a salutatory lesson in just how revolutionary the Time Team format was. Just imagine all our Patreon subscribers sitting down to watch Time Team and thinking: We made this happen!. Interesting, in these days where we (oldies) are not responding to adverts as much as the supposed young and affluent to think of alternative crowd-sourcing models for financing programs that we like. Please ressurect it someone soon. This series is hosted by Tony Robinson, and features weekly archaeological digs in locations in England. Time Team cancelled by Channel 4? I will miss it and them dreadfully. Please bring back time team I do really miss watch it please please bring it back. I am shattered by this news. I am sure the essence of archeology would be attractive to a core audience once again. He also took part in the various spin-off series such as Time Team Extra (1998), Time Team Digs (2002) and Time Team Live. Big Thanks Time Team,will never get tired of watching the shows,fingers crossed you can make some more. I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the digs and finds discovered by the crew. It was Stewart who discovered the true route of the Roman road as it went through Greenwich Park. Have just watched the very last episode of my beloved Time Team And feel desperately sad.. It announced that after 20 seasons and over 230 episodes the programme was being axed by Channel 4. Its one of those few things in life that meant so much, really looked forward to every episode. I love archeology, and it was so educational seeing how it is done. What kind of paint do you use on kitchen cabinets? Steve Singleton Not on the Live I dug at. Just discovered that this had been axed. Exploring the archaeology of the Roadford Reservoir, Devon, this came about after Tim Taylor approached Mick Aston to present the series. It enabled a local group to secure Historic Lottery Fund money to dig the site. It was the highlight of my life ! Never screened and reputedly lost in the Channel 4 vaults, this pilot captured a show that was as radically different to Timesigns as it was to later Time Team episodes. Phil Harding is Time Team's resident trench-excavator. What a bore YOU are! Was it one persons requirements that brought extras into the show, persons not wanted nor needed, also not as talented as a walnut. In 2003, Matt was recruited as an archaeologist and presenter on Time Team. Totally agree. Channel 4 subsequently announced that the final Time Team series would be broadcast in 2013. I am watching as many of the daily episodes as I can on New Zealands History Channel.It makes me nostalgic for the British history and archeological sites. And if you do, please include the adorable and hilarious Raksha Dave, dear Francis Pryor and Stewart Ainsworth, all of whom have places near and dear to my heart. Harding trained on various excavations with the Bristol University Extra Mural Department and other bodies from 1966; he has been a professional archaeologist since 1971. I loved Time Team in its early format but over the years got fed up listening to the boffins suddenly announcing a high status (Favourite phrase of TT) building eg temple or palace had been found after unearthing a piece of stonework that would get lost in my rockery. Tony was very good at being the non-archeologist and I salute him! Only problem is the core members are getting on a bit, so no chance of it going another 20 years. do they ever have reunions whereby you could meet the surviving characters.. i hate computers these days, they act up. Regards, Paul Tressel [emailprotected], Time Team was a massive part of my life, Im still watching it even now on more 4 :O. The foregoing is an exhausting but entertaining read. My husband said I bet you want to get Phill round now. The Team had a comradery like that of an elite military unit. I have loved Time Team for years and wish that there were not so many bone heads in Channel 4. Hopefully, but unlikely, someone will gather the real TT people and give it a rebirth. Thank goodness for DVDs of past episodes. This article is 10 years old but like a spoiler. I would echo it completely. Despite their varied talents and backgrounds it quickly became apparent that the team had a natural chemistry. You know they say the difference between Americans and the British is that the British think 250 miles is a long distance and Americans believe 250 years is a lot of history. Headed by D Macall. Posted By : / nairn ginger biscuits / Under : . and Im so grateful to all the Time Team members for a wonderful 20 seasons. If ch4 wanted to save money why not repeat them from programme 1 . There is more than enough rubbish shown on tv so why axe a good item that entertains, explains and raises more questions. Yes, the interest remains for the show. Its a shame we didnt see you and the team doing more international locations. This program has opened up so much of Great Britain to me and I am in love with suach a picturesque landscape and such a rich history. One of the best programmes on television. I saw the same program, Justin, and I agree entirely! Tony Robinson seems an entirely likeable guy and does his presenting job with good humour and humility. Would hydrogen chloride be a gas at room temperature? And we have just recently lost Mick Aston, the Rock of Gibraltar of the show. Mick Aston, 65, quits historical show after it hires Cambridge graduate Mary-Ann Ochota, 30. Struck by how much could be learnt in a few hours, Tim wondered what could be achieved in a few days. RIP Time Team. The dig has only found old bits of pipe and 1950s china, but it really does not matter, what matters is the program has inspired my children. The result was a previously unknown 5th-century monastic enclosure linked to St Columba. It must have been amazingly hard to pull together the locations, permits, and logistics, add the art, historical research, music and local involvement, let alone process the dig sites. It may not have been archaelogical perfection but it did make archaeology appealing to many and did digs that no one had the funds or interest to do. What is the matter not retro enough for you ! When he took this pitch to various studios, however, no one wanted to know. Never mind Beagle 2's Professor Colin Pillinger - Time Team's Phil Harding is the original yokel hero. The whole catering & accommodation aspect could have been trimmed, without loss of such a wonderful program. Just did the same as Leigh trying to find out when the next series is due to start. It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but it was heading there. The UK is lucky that it has such a long history. He has an excellent track record in a range of organisations in the . The programmes were sometimes slight and of course a three day dig is only a sketch rather than a full canvass, but Time Team enriched my life. I learn so much. Very sad to hear Time Team is ending. Dues have been paid, so get Sir Tony back, along with some younger faces and writing talent, and get cracking on a new TIME TEAM !!! tony and all made history come to life to the public and we {as a family] looked forward to the one great programme aweek but know more,,,,how old are the producers ,if they watched t t perhapes they could learn that life does not always mean MONEY MORE MONEY , What a bummer! Margie, NZ Always will be in my heart! Yes, the original core team with Carenza, and then Helen Geake, were great. Mary-Ann Ochota caused the Time Teams slow demise as she and the behind the scene executives strangled a Team that had worked played and laughed together over so many years making not good but great viewing. On yesterday's episode of Dr. Phil, actor Terry Crews discussed his addiction to pornography and his relationship with his wife, Rebecca, of 28 . very sad day that channel 4 are taking time team off the air.when time team started my husband and watch the show and we were hooked from then on. The more TV appeal execs tried to inject, the less people wanted to watch. What a shame to see TT let go. So apart from discovering the female cleavage (along with Kleenex tissues) looking for Saxon pottery designed to hold bovine waste, expanding your knowledge of Saxon tea services as well as teaching both Vivian Westwood and Tony & Guy a thing or twowhat other skills have you learned since watching Time Team? As a Aussie viewer addicted to Time Team (even if we do seem to get more repeats than would seem necessary) I am amazed that this program has been axed. Looky tha! For me, as a genealogist, an episode really takes flight when, in addition to the dig, Robin Bush, or Guy D., or Carenza bring out a mediaeval charter, the Domesday Book, or the A.S. IT WILL WORK, IT WILL BE SUPPORTED. I think weve brought it into the forefront of peoples attention. I have watched Time Team over the years. Perhaps we can come up with a crew of our own with Ronald Hutton replacing Tony Robinson and I do know of a great film crew that would take up the filming. The two new presenters just did not fit. A political gesture aimed at building up regional television, Time Team was picked because it seemed a safe pair of hands. And anyway, why would we want Channel 4 to keep TT? Excellent show. It is sad to read the mechanics of its demise and, worse, to see it played out on screen. Please BBC take this show under your wings ! The big step-change in output came between series 5 and 6 in 1998 and 1999 when the annual number of episodes leapt from 8 to 13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVRe_gMtXNo. It was over when Mick went AWOL. UK engineer, producer, songwriter, musician and author. But archaeology is now a subject that tens of thousands of people enjoy and value, and this is almost solely down to him. How do you know if theres a virus on your phone? Now British television can be as dumbed down and offensive as American television has become. Afterall SA is used to watching loads of rubbish repeats every day!!! Sorry I dont know how to do this! I loved every minute of it. Channel 4 is a crude simulacrum of its original self and I agree that BBC 4 would be TTs natural home.Id love to see the old Time Team reunited Ill live in hope! At the time, Taylor said that things were being done to ensure Aston stayed on, adding 'youve not heard the last of Mick on Time Team. PATREON XMAS OFFER For a limited time only, enjoy 16% off Patreon membership (equivalent of 2 months free) if you sign up for annual membership by Sunday 1st January 2023, 12pm (GMT). This series is in my opinion (and hubbys) a satisfying end. Like Concorde, should be rescued by someone BBC and revamped ASAP. The more who sign it the better, I have and so have my family. While the allure of such sites created a powerful television spectacle, it also marked a move away from the programmes humble local archaeology origins. Although I partly agree with Geoff Stelling regarding both the departure of Mick and sidelining Phil somewhat, I do think that the young archaeologists in this the last series show a great deal of promise (Jimmy, Tracey, Susannah, for example) and we are being unfair to their input to be so critical. Time team is irreplaceable. But when he returned to Britain, Tony found the studios equally intransient. Placing viewers at the heart of the action would become a Time Team hallmark. Oh! Ive learned that anything classed as experimental Is just filler as theyve found nothing. . So why could it not continue on and evolve in 2013 ? Best of all, the cameras were rolling to capture the archaeologists euphoria as the geophysical plot emerged from a bulky printer in the back of the survey vehicle. Innit? 71 years (January 25, 1950)Phil Harding / Age. A viewers petition is probably the most difficult to achieve. Bringing in that awful woman for the last series was the straw that broke the camels back. How DARE they axe Time Team, it has been one of my few regular watches for a long time. Philip 'Phil' Harding DL FSA (born 25 January 1950) is a British field archaeologist. However I would contact Channel Four to find out when they will be repeating it again and maybe arrange to record the programmes. Perhaps there were too many Roman sites with their predictable layouts. I love time team. What can replace the jovial banter of all the dedicated team that gave us an insight to what was going on thousands of years ago. We live in USA. I assume it will be more imported American rubbish or so called comedy. Time Team was the product (exclusively) of Channel 4 a commercial TV-only company that was created in the early 80s. 200k an episode? Have a look again at the programme where Phils DNA results come in and watch Tonys reaction. Crazy. It worked before, if you think about it. TIME Team favourite Phil Harding has revealed he no longer carries a knife because "you almost feel like a thug". Apparently the formidable Matron Huppatz wasn't too fond of nurses' boyfriends coming to visit either. In most places over here there are literally hundreds of channels with endless variety. Cutting some excellent TV and radio presenters in favor of younger ones. Later, in a blazing take down of the shows changes in the Western Daily Press, he wrote: There is a lot less archaeological content and a lot more pratting about. I watched all but episode 1. With the archaeologists at the height of their game, by now the team was so confident of the three-day regime that development producer Jim Mower describes their appearance on site as like getting the A Team in. Apart from the marvellous people who made up the Time Team over the years, the way they used the magic of television to highlight features of the dig, overlay geophys visualisations onto the site, extend a fragment of a pot into a full representation, and so on, made this program an exemplar of how to produce truly educational television; and the way the passion of the Team members and their expertise was allowed to shine, coupled with a witty front man, showed that educational does not have to mean dull or dumbed down. Cancellation. along with Mick Aston, Robin Bush & Beric Morley. A known anthropologist and archeologist ( Emmanuel College, Cambridge ), to describe and dismiss her as a former model is a bit unfair. I would love to see as many of the team as posible brought together for specials or even to tell us what they are involved in now. Our family enjoyed Tony Robinsons performance, but what made Time Team great was Mick and Phil and Carenza and Matt and Stewart and Raksha and Mick the Twig and Bridget and Raysan and Victor the artist and the geophysicists and Robin the historian and all the others whose contributions brought together a cohesive story for a site from a range of disciplines. I am! ! Yes,he was often guilty of playing the devils advocate, but at such times he was the voice of many of us upon listening to yet another gigantic leap of hastily constructed faith or explanation of purpose for the sake of the less informed viewing massive. What screwed up Time Time was poor scheduling two years ago and an attempt to sex up the show and this failed miserably. There was a youthful energy to them back them, which was part of the attraction. The first show of 1994 featured a young, dark, long-haired Tony The Wildman Baldric Robinson, with a equally younger long haired Mick Aston, some of which was not quite all grey. Sadly, my wife passed away in January 2012 but I carried on watching it until it ended. I was devastated to hear of the demise of this wonderful programme, but once they made the decision to bring in the awful Mary Ann Ochota as a co-presenter, the programme was doomed. It was not the first time that a chance conversation with Mick had got someone thinking about television archaeology. Hi Serena, you can find a complete episode and series guide of all 230 programmes plus the specials on this website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Time_Team_episodes Plenty more to come for you yet, if only More 4 would stop repeating the same episodes over and over again and show some of the others they could keep you (and the rest of us) happy for years to come. Time team is one of the programs I love to watch. THEY DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS. If they wont reinstate Time Team ,then why not release All episodes in a DVD BOX set . Hopefully, I will be able to visit some. I love watching the old episodes, the ones where there was fantastic camaraderie between the team, excellent and atmospheric music in the background which always complemented the era of the dig and the extravagant clothing worn by the team. All the best shows are taken off and all we are left with is the boring and so untrue Archers. His Uncle, my brother, has to dig up a dig with him when he comes on holiday and he is in there like a professional. I am thrilled that TT is returning in 2022, but saddened that Phil, Raksha and Tony will not be participating. All I can tell u is that I was hooked. He will take up the role in late June 2012. A few days later news of Time Teams demise broke in the Guardian. Perhaps there were too many Roman sites with their predictable layouts, someone will the... 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why isn't phil harding in the new time team


why isn't phil harding in the new time team

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