planning and organising competency examples

planning and organising competency examples

Performance Statement Examples Handles high workloads, competing demands, vague assignments, interruptions, and distractions with poise and ease. You notice that scheduling meetings, maintaining an inventory of office materials, and creating helpful cross-team documents are highlighted as major job responsibilities. When youre planning strategically (as opposed to tactically), youre not thinking about how best to organize your day, your week, or even for the lifespan of a given project. Seeks to find common ground and preserve relationships. Differentiates between high and low performance. Interacts with the audience, reading body language, gathering feedback, and holding their attention. Acts proactively, recognizing important trends that will affect clients. Amazon's core competencies include: Cost leadership: Offering items that fit the customer's budget - often at a better quality than what's available offline. Building & Maintaining Relationships It is important that a Staff Nurse demonstrate good interpersonal skills and the ability to build and maintain relationships. Contributes original and resourceful ideas in brainstorming sessions. Explains why that future is important and how current decisions make or break the chance to reach it. Performance Statement Examples Uses correct vocabulary, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Avoids confrontational approaches and keeps the communication positive. Objectively applies the letter of the law during all interactions, yet clearly understands the spirit of the law when deciding if enforcement action is needed. Does not misrepresent self or use position or authority for personal gain. Links mission, vision, values, goals, and strategies to everyday work. This helps you and your team from getting lost in the weeds and keeping an eye on the big picture. SKILLS. Distinguishes information that is not pertinent to a decision or solution. Provides direction in crisis situations. An organised employee uses available resources efficiently and productively. Example questions: Have you ever had to plan a large piece of work? In a personal sense, scheduling is important for maintaining self-discipline. Planning Accurately estimate time and effort required to complete a task. Leads the group in its initial stages, outlining issues, communicating direction and desired outcomes, and helping participants understand their tasks, roles, and contributions to the process. I had to coordinate with the customer service team to find folks willing to teach and have a more full-time role with clients. Time management involves allowing yourself enough time to finish tasks, not spending too much time on any one project and balancing the time you spend at home and work. In addition, being able to organize tasks and track your employees strengths and preferences will allow you to delegate work in an effective way. Attention to details skills help you pay attention to any project detail you responsible for. Finds the trends and relationships in the emerging fact pattern, and identifies new or related lines of research that lead to more successful or complete conclusions. Ensures others grasp the purpose and benefits of the program or cause. When youre writing a resume and/or cover letter, the crucial question to keep in mind throughout is how is this information relevant for the job for which I am applying?. Negotiating Agreements Definition Reaches deals or compromises. Seeks to resolve confrontations and disagreements constructively. Some job adverts clearly state they're looking for someone with planning and organising skills. Makes reasonable estimates of arithmetic results without a calculator. Adapts the content, tone, style, and form to suit the needs of the reader, the subject, and the purpose of the communication. Identifies resources and potential solutions that are practical and effective. Customer focus HYPERLINK \l "Creativity" ExamplesDecision Making & JudgmentMakes timely, informed decisions that take into account the facts, goals, constraints, and risks. Seeks customer feedback and ensures needs have been fully met. Performance Statement Examples Identifies the sequence of tasks and the resources needed to achieve a goal, and prioritizes key action steps. Ensures deadlines are met and keeps stakeholders informed of project/program status. HYPERLINK \l "Equipment" ExamplesProviding ConsultationPartners with clients to identify and resolve complex or sensitive issues. Overcommunicate if necessary to make sure that youre all on the same page and that nothing has gotten lost in translation. Then, once you accomplish one goal, move to the next one. 4. Sees underlying principles, patterns, or themes in an array of related information. You can create daily lists, weekly lists, and monthly lists all the things you want to accomplish. Maintain adequate preparation time for scheduled meetings/deadlines. Additionally, I rotated around and checked in on tables to make sure they were being served and were satisfied with their experience. Performance Statement Examples Identifies key facts in a range of data. Training & Presenting Information Definition Formally delivers information to groups. Mental organization involves thinking things through in an orderly fashion. Seeks and acquires new competencies, work methods, ideas, and information that will improve own efficiency and effectiveness on the job. Analytical skills help you analyzing a situation and coming forward with a logical solution. Develops new services and service models in line with those needs. Helps those in need of assistance, regardless of rank. Adheres to a set of core values that are represented in decisions and actions. Determining training and development needs. Using knowledge of audience views and interests, chooses and employs diverse methods, tools, and resources to educate and build enthusiasm in potential partners and supporters. Scheduling. Ask your candidate to define long term goals. Sees the potential in others and takes opportunities to apply and develop that potential. Collaborating effectively benefits everyone. Sees the interrelationships between parts of the organization. When most people think about resources they think about money. Phrases such as the below also mean the recruiters are looking for planning and organisational skills: "Show us you're flexible, organised and committed" "Excellent attention to detail is required" "Effective manager of both time and resources" "Ability to deliver on time and to budget" "Investigate new processes and set clear criteria" Sees when listeners fail to grasp critical concepts and take steps to ensure comprehension. Supports fair treatment and equal opportunity for all. Ensures all financial data is properly calculated and reported. Sees failure as an opportunity to learn from past results, and continues to learn and grow. Breaks down problems and identifies all of their facets, including hidden or tricky aspects. Evaluates progress and success against performance standards. Acquires a keen perspective on the client's business and operational needs. Shares accountability when delegating. Discuss the planning with the candidate. Lets staff know what is expected of them and holds them accountable. Comes prepared, and gauges the audiences level of knowledge. Checks work to ensure accuracy and completeness. Integrates diverse themes and lines of reasoning to create new insights or levels of understanding for the issue at hand. Ask your candidate to check whether his time schedules are accurate. How do you plan your time to ensure you get all your tasks done? Avoids slang and offensive language. Manages change in a way that reduces the concern experienced by others. Read job listings and pick out keywords related to organizational skills. Clearly documents sources, and organizes the information according to the research needs. Recognizes adverse customer reactions and develops better alternatives. Appraises and resolves deficiencies and challenges. Organizes information so that facts or ideas build upon one another to lead the reader to a specific conclusion. No matter where you work, being able to manage your time effectively and keep track of important documents and records will set your bosss mind at ease and set up your career for success. He is a teacher, writer, and world-traveler that wants to help people at every stage of the career life cycle. To help you reach these goals, create a to-do list, but make sure you stick to it. Examples of core competencies: Let's take the example of Amazon. Clarifies the agenda and objectives, and allocates time for topics. Can you improve on your organizational skills? Sees others potential and strengths, and works to build on them. Knows and explains where, when, and how to implement those options. Each competency includes a title, a general definition, and several measurable or observable performance statements. Supervisors should talk with their HR office to receive specific direction around competency identification. Excellent: Frequently exceeds expectations Is highly regarded for her organizational skills Organizes projects to prevent overlaps or gaps in responsibilities Is always able to access needed items or information Logically organizes his work and work area Fully competent: Meets expectations Helps co-workers get organized and stay organized University of Washington | 2018 Recognizes when parties have become more willing to compromise. Establishing goals and objectives that align with the Corporate Business Plan and meeting the needs/targets set by their work area Reporting on results to promote accountability and taking action as appropriate PMC Open Enrollment Workshops addressing this competency: Active Listening Skills Advanced Business Writing Advanced Event Planning Balances enforcing all laws, rules, and regulations against the need to respond to the worst (or most harmful) violations first. Having your personal life under control will help keep you free of distractions throughout your workday, making all of the above organizational skills that much easier to achieve. Does not make excuses for errors or problems; acknowledges and corrects mistakes. Related: 6 Ways To Optimize Your Daily Schedule 4. Sets clear, meaningful, challenging, and attainable group goals and expectations that are aligned with those of the organization. This is probably the organizational skill that first springs to mind when one thinks about organization. Performance Statement Examples Inspires and persuades others to voluntarily follow direction, pursue and achieve goals, and adopt new positions or opinions. Results Focus & Initiative Definition Focuses on results and desired outcomes and how best to achieve them. Verifies the authenticity of money, recognizes when it is suspect, and takes action to confirm its value before completing any transactions. Performance Management Competency Examples with Performance Statements Page PAGE 2 Page PAGE 1 / 0 1 4 = C F W T ` q { } Actively supports others stretching beyond their comfort levels and trying new techniques that may enhance success. Uses that broadening view to help resolve more complex and difficult issues, and to anticipate new client needs. Unforeseen issues arise all the time in business. Performance Statement Examples Knows where and how to access the right data for the assignment. Performance Statement Examples Clearly explains laws, rules, and regulations, as well as what constitutes a violation. Unfortunately, you cant just wake up one day and be completely organized. Multi tasking skills make you work and deliver results on various projects at the same time. If you can also foresee potential issues and create solutions for them ahead of time, youre showcasing your strategic abilities. Responds quickly to malfunctions, seeking assistance as needed and ensuring equipment is fully operational prior to using it again. Being able to analyze what resources are required for a task, ready documentation ahead of time, and keep a big-picture strategy in mind are all important elements of mental organization. Thinks in terms of generalized models rather than concrete details. Performance Statement Examples Eagerly engages clients in identifying issues, options, and desired outcomes. In the eyes of companies and recruiters, planning and organising skills are essential. The competency descriptions are intended to be tailored to individual positions. Performance Statement Examples Respects and maintains confidentiality. Identify a specific organizational goal such as establishing a filing system or not being late to meetings anymore, set a due date on it, and then create a plan of baby steps you need to take to make it happen. Created Date: 1/30/2021 1:38:21 PM . Allows ownership of the process by group members. They manage their time wisely and effectively prioritize multiple competing tasks. Physical organization. Self-care. Its about taking a realistic view of who is working on the assignment, what resources are needed for its completion, and the time each element will take. Remains steady or thrives under pressure, using it to fuel productivity and efficiency. Provides staff with coaching, training, and opportunities for growth to improve their skills. Planning is the function of management that involves setting objectives and determining a course of action for achieving those objectives. Planning and organising are all about getting, and keeping, everything on track. How to Improve Your Organizational Skills, How to Showcase Your Organizational Skills, Example Resume Highlighting Organizational Skills, Example Answers to Interview Questions About Organizational Skills, Reduced office material budget by 12% while increasing employee satisfaction w/ in-house resources by 8% by drafting Google Sheets spreadsheets to track spending and utility, Created meeting schedules for 40 employees, including senior executives from Marketing, Product, and Sales teams, Improved company-wide SOPs through interviews with employees and customers to find pain points, increasing client satisfaction rates by 9% from May-October 2020, Client- and employee-facing email communication, Basic HTML/Working knowledge of WordPress. Decision-making. Tells the truth and is honest in all dealings. Performance Statement Examples Sets the stage for optimal learning. HYPERLINK \l "SelfManagement" ExamplesStress ToleranceMaintains composure in highly stressful or adverse situations.HYPERLINK \l "Stress"ExamplesTactDiplomatically handles challenging or tense interpersonal situations. Remains open to many approaches to address needs or resolve issues. Works through difficult or awkward interpersonal situations in a positive manner. In This Guide. A team thats able to effectively plan a project together shows strong collaborative and interpersonal skills. Adaptability & Flexibility Definition Adapts to changing business needs, conditions, and work responsibilities. Discuss the results with the candidate. Addresses performance issues promptly and corrects poor performance. Keeps current on fiscal procedures, principles, standards, rates, etc. Listens to the customers point of view to ensure recommendations truly meet their needs within the provisions of the law. Can explain the rationale for a decision. Well show you how to do that in this article. Integrates the ideas and needs of others in developing feasible strategies to achieve goals. An element of planning is setting goals. No votes so far! Deciding how to use your time effectively is fundamental to organizational skills. Recognizes situations that warrant assertive action and moves forward without hesitation. provide an example of a time when you were given a task or project to complete - how did you go about organising your work and setting up your priorities? That means keeping a mental inventory of your teammates (and your own) strengths and weaknesses, so you know whom to task with different elements of a project. Its important to keep your team in the loop with your progress on a project, but its equally important to be a good active listener who understands whats being asked of them and the priorities of various tasks. Matthew Zane is the lead editor of Zippia's How To Get A Job Guides. Achieved an immediate return on investment of 182%. Attends to verbal and non-verbal cues that create a deeper understanding of the message. What Is a Subject Matter Expert and What Do They Do? Planning and organizing can be easily developed if the candidate has a more than average score (7,8,9) on the drives Order & Structure and Purposiveness. Gaining Voluntary Compliance Definition Convinces others to follow recommendations and advice to bring them into compliance with regulations, standards, or policies. Puts the interviewee at ease, and ensures he or she understands the process and its purpose. Uses equipment for its intended purpose only, protecting it from damage and misuse. Routinely inspects equipment, and adheres to the proper maintenance schedule. You may even be slower at getting your work done or be a less-than-desirable teammate to have on projects. Organizational skills are vital to success at any position in any industry. Spots when initial answers are insufficient. Keeping your home life organized will help you feel less overwhelmed at work. HYPERLINK \l "Safety" ExamplesSelf ManagementManages own time, priorities, and resources to achieve goals. Uses individuals strengths to help them learn. Performance Statement Examples Coaches others regardless of performance level. Builds relationships with teammates so that coaching efforts are received in a positive, developmental manner. Mental organization. Relationship Building Definition Builds constructive working relationships characterized by a high level of acceptance, cooperation, and mutual respect. : Tips and Sample Answers, How To Ask For A Letter of Recommendation Via Email (With Samples), How To Answer What Do You Know About Our Company?, How to Answer When Can You Start? (With Examples), Topics: Get The Job, Guides, Interview Questions. Sees relationships between information in varied forms and from varied sources. HYPERLINK \l "FiscalAccountability" ExamplesOrganizational & Political SavvyUses knowledge of the organizational and political climate to solve problems and accomplish goals. They may include having great communication and time management skills, being able to delegate, set goals, think . Advocating Causes Definition Influences others to act in support of ideas, programs, or causes. Decide in what order activities should take place (long-term planning). Outbound sales conversions rose by 12% in the next month, and an additional 18% the following month. Capitalizes on both formal channels and informal networks to achieve goals. HYPERLINK \l "Customer" ExamplesDevelopment & Continual LearningDisplays an ongoing commitment to learning and self-improvement. Be the first to rate this post. Adapts approach, goals, and methods to achieve solutions and results in dynamic situations. The competencies are grouped together under categories. Connects seemingly unrelated ideas, events, and circumstances to find global solutions to individual problems. Remember that the quickest way to prove your organizational skills is by having a well-organized resume and cover letter. Leadership Definition Promotes organizational mission and goals, and shows the way to achieve them. Praises the team and its achievement to others. Knows when more information is needed and when enough has been collected to reach a conclusion. PROFICIENCY LEVELS: Planning and Organizing . Distilling that into a deadline that aligns with your companys objectives is what setting goals is all about. I started working in 2013 when I was 15. Ensures staff have the skills and resources to get things done. HYPERLINK \l "Results" ExamplesSafety FocusAdheres to all workplace and trade safety laws, regulations, standards, and practices. Develops a clear picture of the needs and best options from the clients perspective. Uses sound methods to plan and track work, appointments, and commitments. (Problem Solving) Tell me about a time you had to persuade your team to implement an unpopular policy or procedure. Integrates executive direction into every decision and consultation. (Communicating and Influencing) Applies to issues a knowledge of the mission, values, resources, culture, systems, and business strategies to find solutions that best serve the organization and its customers. Easily transitions between tasks and picks up where left off when interrupted. Uses formal writing styles or advanced literary techniques and formats suited to the job. Applies basic algebra and statistical techniques and formulas (e.g., measures of central tendency, standard deviation) to calculate data. I quickly saw that our wait staff was being overrun, so I jumped in as an auxiliary helper. I devised a plan whereby wed offer a free trial to first-time customers, complete with their own customer success manager. Gives the listener time to process information and ask questions. An important facet of mental organization is being able to prioritize your various assignments. Taking initiative and completing tasks without supervision or assistance will earn you a reputation for self-sufficiency. Discerns what is crucial from what is just urgent. Performance Statement Examples Performs tasks with care; is thorough. Judges when issues cannot be resolved in the group, and re-focuses the dialogue on the essential goals. 3. Anticipates and responds constructively to customer resistance. Guides the discussion of complex or divisive issues to help members develop insights and remain engaged with the task. Works to create a strong team. Flexibility. Makes rational decisions and continues to perform effectively. Maintains emergency supplies and/or personal protective gear. S/he will have the ability to work independently as well as part of a wider healthcare team and display a supportive work style including strong empathy with service users / others. Its not just about delegating tasks appropriately (although that is part of it). Works from facts and a strong knowledge base. (detail oriented personality) 2. Being goal-oriented and keeping your workload organized will create an atmosphere where you can make decisions without sweating. Mathematical Reasoning Definition Uses mathematical techniques to calculate data or solve practical problems. (Planning and Organising) Talk through a situation where you had to develop a solution to a complex problem which could not be resolved by using existing methods. Develop schedules and timetables with clear, specific milestones and deadlines. Mediating Disputes Definition Helps others resolve complex or sensitive disagreements and conflicts. Did you meet them? Uses plain talk to explain complex or technical concepts. Assesses the organization and its services from the customers point of view. Takes steps to learn the work interests and career goals of teammates. Focuses on key points. Setting goals and getting the right tools are key steps in improving your organizational skills. Sees potential challenges and opportunities, and adjusts plans based on input. Ask him to indicate what the priorities are and to make a planning based on those priorities. Performance Statement Examples Gathers data and others input when making decisions. What did you do? Balances analysis, wisdom, experience, and perspective when making decisions. Finds ways to turn the ideal into reality. HYPERLINK \l "Tact" ExamplesCompetency Group Interaction with OthersCompetency TitleDescriptionPerformance statementsInfluencing OthersInfluences others to be excited and committed to furthering the organizations objectives.HYPERLINK \l "Influencing"ExamplesRelationship BuildingBuilds constructive working relationships characterized by a high level of acceptance, cooperation, and mutual respect. Prioritizing. Safety Focus Definition Adheres to all workplace and trade safety laws, regulations, standards, and practices. Asks clarifying questions that elicit clearer or more detailed information. Encourage your candidate to ask others for 360 feedback regarding his planning and organizing skills. Compares observations or finished work to what is expected to find inconsistencies. External Organization Skills: Work projects are typically centered around a rigid timeline, and organizing a job into smaller projects and goals can be an effective way to complete them. Give the situation, describe your task, discuss the action you took, and wrap your story up with a tidy result. Encourages team unity through sharing information or expertise, working together to solve problems, and putting team success first. 4. Balances quality of work with meeting deadlines. ( A #h~&. For example, Implemented an employee productivity tracking system that improved efficiency by 17% among my team.. Seeks and uses others input about critical actions, timelines, sequencing, scope, methodology, expected outcomes, and priorities. Goes beyond basic service expectations to help customers implement complete solutions. Takes calculated risks to improve performance, try a fresh approach, or reach a challenging goal. Time management. Broaches sensitive issues ways that allows rational and open discussion. Helps teammates who need or ask for support or assistance. A resource is something you need to complete a task. Performance Statement Examples Ensures the projects or programs goals, purpose, and criteria for success are clear defined. Sees when analysis and discussion have served their purpose and moves to action. Preserves others self-confidence and dignity, and shows regard for their opinions. Forms alliances with key players to get things done. Divide Your Overall Objective into Steps and Goals. Establishing recruitment and selection criteria. Willingly puts in extra time and effort in crisis situations; goes the extra mile to ensure the goal is met. Promotes the creation of shared mission, vision, and values, and uses those principles to guide actions. Those who are skilled at this competency can visualize the steps needed to reach a goal and naturally organize the process, modifying as . Being as honest as possible will help you plan a more successful day. Decision Making & Judgment Definition Makes timely, informed decisions that take into account the facts, goals, constraints, and risks. It took three weeks to get everything set up, which was a week earlier than the allotted time for the project. The ability to determine goals and priorities and to assess the actions, time and resources needed to achieve those goals. Analysis/Reasoning Definition Examines data to grasp issues, draw conclusions, and solve problems. Delivers products and services when and where the customer needs them. Ensures that content is current, and that activities are engaging and effective. Visualizes potential problems and solutions without needing tangible, real-life examples. Performance Statement Examples Plans the interview process in advance, identifying the key information to collect. Whatever level of organization skill you have, doing a few things can have an immediate impact on your organizational skills: Set goals for your organizational improvements. Time management Managing your time well is crucial to being organized. Tailors messages to specific audiences to develop interest and endorsement. 2. Keep up communication with your colleagues. HYPERLINK \l "Ethics" ExamplesResults Focus & InitiativeFocuses on results and desired outcomes and how best to achieve them. With a reputation like that, youll notice more opportunities start to come your way. Notices when data appear wrong or incomplete, or need verification. Tests proposed solutions against the reality of likely effects before going forward; looks beyond the obvious and does not stop at the first answers. Organise personal time to carry out responsibilities. Emphasizes a team approach to providing great customer service. Delegation. Having a calendar marked with various deadlines, or a day planner that sets out goals for different chunks of the day will keep you on top of your assignments. Ask for priorities, time management, costs, sub-tasks that will be delegated and so on. Makes the best use of available time and resources. Knowing where to find important documents or other physical resources is essential for your workplace efficiency. Allows others to speak without unnecessarily interrupting them. Behavioral Examples General uses time management works in a structured manner separates essentials from side-issues Operational Develops reasonable performance standards and ways of evaluating outcome quality. Discuss the planning with the candidate. Performance Statement Examples Performs work in a safe manner at all times. Suggests and asks for others ideas to improve quality, efficiency, and effectiveness. Translates objectives into specific plans. Performance Statement Examples Shows up to work on time, and follows instructions, policies, and procedures. Responds to setbacks with renewed and increased efforts; is persistent in the face of difficulty. Conveys confidence in a groups ability to prevail over challenges to reach its goals. Focuses on issues and interests instead of people or positions, even when personally attacked. Overall, it was the restaurants most successful night, and the average tip was well above 20%. Tactical Planning. Organizational skills are all about being able to prioritize tasks, maximize efficiency, and maintain structure throughout a workday or a projects lifespan. Skills are essential information Definition Formally delivers information to groups develops a clear of. And opportunities for growth to improve quality, efficiency, and opportunities, and holding their attention are represented decisions. Subject Matter Expert and what do they do intended to be tailored to individual positions the allotted for! Dignity, and perspective when making decisions allows rational and open discussion ; s take the example of Amazon all! 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planning and organising competency examples


planning and organising competency examples

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