rupture of a muscle quizlet

rupture of a muscle quizlet

Nerve: tibial (S2-S3). By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Wiki User. muscle (redirected from muscle rupture) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical . Action: extends leg, flexes thigh. Origin: iliac fossa. Middle ear muscle. This muscular injury may vary in severity from localized cellular injury to complete rupture of the muscle belly/tendon. Smooth muscles cannot be consciously controlled, and this form of muscle tissue is called involuntary muscle. The three-layered muscular wall of the urinary bladder. A muscle that on contraction draws a part away from the median plane of the body or the axial line of an extremity. Facial muscle. Due to the rarity of this condition, there are limited studies defining its epidemiology and outcomes. Muscles are classified according to structure as non-striated (or unstriated or unstriped or smooth) or striated (or striped), by control as voluntary or involuntary, or by location as cardiac, skeletal or visceral. Nerve: facial (CN VII). Insertion: base of proximal phalanx of digit 5. Action: adducts, flexes, and rotates thigh medially. This type of injury, also called a muscle strain, can result from an acute injury that occurs during sports or normal daily activities or from overuse. Nerve: lumbar L1-L3. Action: rotates arytenoid cartilages for vocalizations. Action: extends, abducts, and laterally rotates thigh. [mus'l] a bundle of long slender cells (muscle fibers) that have the power to contract and hence to produce movement. The Achilles tendon is most commonly affected in FQ-induced tendinopathy, occurring in 89.8 percent of cases; however, other tendons, such as biceps brachii, supraspinatus, and extensor pollicis longus, can also be affected. Muscle derived from mesodermal somites, including most skeletal muscle. Action: plantarflexes foot. Nerve: trigeminal (CN V). A skeletal muscle that moves or stabilizes the head or the trunk. Acute rupture frequently results in severe mitral valve regurgitation and subsequent acute life-threatening cardiogenic shock and pulmonary edema. Compare the processes that reabsorb urea and uric acid. Extraocular muscle. Voluntary muscles extend from one bone to another, cause movements by contraction, and work on the principle of leverage. Is not a function of the muscular Muscle herniation, also known as a myofascial defect, is the protrusion of a muscle through the surrounding fascia. Nerve: axillary (C4-C6). Insertion: skin of eyebrows, root of nose. d. Some balls are not round. Neck muscle with two bellies. A ridge of myocardium on the inner wall of either atrium of the heart. a. when do ventricular septal defects occur post MI? Not all balls are soccer balls. Nerve: oculomotor (CN III). Nerve: median (C8-T1). It flexes the thumb at both the carpometacarpal joint and the metacarpophalangeal joint and is controlled by the median and the ulnar nerves. Nerve: spinal T7-T12. Rupturemost commonly completeof the APM can be more serious than rupture of the PPM. Signs and symptoms will vary, depending on the severity of the injury, and may include: Pain or tenderness Redness or bruising Limited motion Muscle spasms Swelling Muscle weakness When to see the doctor Mild strains can be treated at home. Insertion: medial side of proximal tibia. Nerve: genitofemoral (L1-L2). It depresses the sides of the tongue and is innervated by cranial nerve XII (hypoglossal nerve). Insertion: skin above middle of eyebrow. Triceps Rupture. Insertion: nasal edge of eyeball in front of its equator. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A uterine rupture is a complete division of all three layers of the uterus: the endometrium (inner epithelial layer), myometrium (smooth muscle layer), and perimetrium (serosal outer surface). Action: inflates lungs. smooth muscle Which muscle moves the head and shoulder blade? Ruptured Tendon: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments Information from WebMD on tendon ruptures, a potentially serious problem that may result in excruciating pain and permanent disability if. The sarcomere is the unit of contraction and the banding visible over its surface results from the longitudal filaments which make up the myofibril being of two types, thick (dark) and thin (light). Once again he hears a beat frequency of $5 \mathrm{~Hz}$. A muscle tear or muscle rupture in the hand can impact a person's ability to perform normal activities of daily living or participate in sports. Foot muscle. Foot muscle. what are the mechanisms of hemodynamic support used for cardiogenic shock? Action: tenses (stretches) vocal cords. Once binding takes place this activates ATPase and on hydrolysis of ATP the bridge goes through its cycle of movement. Action: pulls shoulder forward and down, elevates rib cage. Origins: insides of pelvic bones (pubis, arcus tendinaeus, ischial spine, and sacrospinous ligament). development of immediate cardiogenic shock and pulseless electrical activity. Getting straight to the point: A rupture and a tear are the same thing. Clinical considerations for the surgical treatment of pectoralis major, With no clinical or pathological evidence either before death or at the time of autopsy for AMI or for CAD, the current case is classifiable as a spontaneous papillary, Belangero et al., "Clinical considerations for the surgical treatment of pectoralis major, Methods: Legal autopsy reports of 50 cases with heart tamponade resulting from heart. Insertion: lower edges of thyroid cartilage. Tendons Insertion: proximal medial tibia. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Origin: capitate bone of wrist and metacarpals 2-3. how do you treat a papillary muscle rupture? Action: flexes thigh and leg, laterally rotates thigh. Nerve: sciatic L5-S2). 4 Which term describes the protrusion of a muscle through its ruptured sheath? Origin: lateral supracondylar ridge of distal humerus. Nerve: femoral (L2-L3). Insertion: central tendon (of diaphragm). It really hurts! . Origin: medial half of clavicle, sternum, costal cartilages 4-6. The rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medius muscles together. Nerve: hypoglossal (CN XII). Some filaments are retained in this pulled past position whilst others detach then reattach and repeat the pulling past action. I do exercise twice a day. Nerve: ulnar, median (C8-T1). How tropomyosin and troponin regulate muscle contraction. Nerve: radial (C5-C7). should you use beta blockers immediately after an infarct? Origin: middle of fibula. hypokinesia. Bridges occur between thick and thin filaments and in contraction the bridges pull thin filaments past the thick ones using a ratchet mechanism. Thigh muscle. myolysis. For each bridge to go through its cycle of attachment, contraction and reattachment, the splitting of one molecule of ATP is required, the cycles occurring between 50 and 100 times per second. Action: pronates forearm. Action: flexes thigh. Origin: adjacent facial muscles that surround mouth. With muscle injuries the following three symptoms are characteristic: pain upon applying pressure, stretching and activation of the calf muscle against resistance. Papillary muscle rupture is a rare and potentially fatal complication often following a myocardial infarction or secondary to infective endocarditis. Origin: coronoid process of ulna, anterior surface of radius. Extraocular muscle. Origin: front of pubis (below crest). Temporalis The main muscles that close your jaw by bringing up the mandible in a bite grip are the masseter and the _________ Triceps Brachii These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. protrusion of a muscle through its ruptured sheath or fascia. Action: flexes leg, rotates leg laterally, extends thigh. A muscle with several tendons of origin and several tendons of insertion, in which fibers pass obliquely from a tendon of origin to a tendon of insertion on each side. Ruptures commonly occur when there is an unexpected force applied to the bicep muscle such as attempting to catch something or someone when they fall. Origin: tendinous ring around optic nerve at rear of orbit. Nerve: facial (CN VII). Action: anchor leaflets of valves during heart contractions. Forearm muscle. Nerve: oculomotor (CN III). Insertion: anterior side of vertebral edge of scapula. It is tendon-like "strings of heart . There are three muscles that make up the hamstring muscle group on the back of the thigh. why do left ventricular thrombi usually occur in the apex of the LV following STEMI? These muscles include the masseter, temporalis, and medial and lateral pterygoid muscles. Insertion: bicipital groove of humerus. Origin: iliac crest, anterior superior iliac spine. Origin: distal two-thirds of posterior tibia. Origin: medial two-thirds of infraspinatus fossa of scapula. In clinical practice, referred to as the lateral rectus muscle. A muscle that arises in the skin over the nose and is connected to the forehead. Insertion: linea aspera and adductor tubercle of femur. Smooth muscle cells contract more slowly than skeletal or cardiac muscle cells. Nerve: recurrent laryngeal and superior laryngeal of the vagus (CN X). Origin: ischial tuberosity. Skeletal muscles pull on the bones causing movements at the joints. Ruptures in the anterior thigh muscle fastening (tendo m bicipitis femoris) on the head of the calf bone (caput fibulae), and the calf muscle fastenings in the popliteal space are commonly seen. Optimal outcomes require rapid diagnosis and prompt surgical referral, and in this regard, echocardiography plays a crucial role. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Any of six short muscles inside the larynx that move the vocal apparatus and (except for the cricothyroid muscle) are innervated by the recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve (CN X). Default blog caption. Posterior: flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallucis longus, gastrocnemius, plantaris, popliteus, soleus, and tibialis posterior muscles. If the top of the bar becomes positive relative to the bottom, what is the direction of the magnetic field. Forearm muscle. A complete tear in any of these muscles is known as a ruptured hamstring. Anatomy: A rupture can in principle occur to all muscles in the thigh, however, ruptures most often happen in the anterior muscle (M quadriceps femoris) which has the function of stretching the knee and flexing the hip. Action: flexes forearm, supinates hand. Thigh muscle. Nerve: tibial (L4-L5). Origin: pisiform bone of wrist. Eyelid muscle. what is the treatment of acute mitral regurgitation? Origin: inside front lower margin of maxillary part of orbit. The major nose muscle and a muscle of facial expression. Type 1 and type 2 muscle fibers. (Use Bernoullis equation.). 2015;2015:840540. doi: 10.1155/2015/840540. Thigh muscle. The abdominal muscles are made up of the cremaster, external abdominal oblique, iliacus, psoas major, pyramidalis, quadratus lumborum, rectus abdominis, and transversus abdominis muscles. myorrhexis The combining form pyel/o means fever or fire. Generally, the tendon winds 90 degrees on its path towards the heel, such that the gastrocnemius attaches laterally and the soleus . Shoulder muscle. Insertion: lateral surface of eyeball behind its equator. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Treatment of pectoralis major muscle ruptures, Acute onset of extreme shortness of breath, Pectoralis Major Tear with Retracted Tendon: How to Fill the Gap? Action: supports pelvic viscera, contributes to urethral, vaginal, and anal sphincter actions. Origin: temporal fossa of skull. Origin: flexor retinaculum of wrist, scaphoid and trapezium bones. Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus, proximal edge of ulna. Huxley and K. Harrison found that on contraction, the light zones (I-BANDS) were comparatively narrow; on relaxation of the muscle the I-bands were broad. Deltoid, infraspinatus, subscapularis, supraspinatus, teres major and teres minor muscles. A muscle whose fibers converge on only one side of a tendon. Action: elevates hyoid and larynx, lowers jaw. The distal attachment point of a muscle is the _______, The proximal attachment point of a muscle is the, Tearing of a muscle fiber or tendon is called. What muscle is found on the lateral aspect of the shoulder and elevates the arm? what is cardiogenic shock characterized by? A rupture or dysfunction of these muscles, as can be caused by a heart infarct and Ischemia (respectively), can give rise to a complicated condition known as Mitral Valve Prolapse. b. Skeletal muscle fibers that contract slowly and that cannot propagate an action potential along their cell membranes. Actions: extends (bends backward) the vertebral column and neck, twists the back. A ruptured spleen is typically caused by a blow to the left upper abdomen or the left lower chest, such as might happen during sporting accidents, fistfights and car crashes. Origin: anterior belly attaches to the digastric fossa in mandible at base of anterior midline, posterior belly attaches to mastoid process. Action: laterally rotates thigh. Insertion: lesser trochanter of femur. Neck and back muscle. Muscle of mastication. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". A muscle with three tendons of origin and a single, common insertion. Origin: medial condyle of femur, lateral condyle of femur. The smooth muscle fibers around the origin of the urethra. Insertion: muscular process of arytenoid cartilage. Origin: edges of sclera. In STRIATED MUSCLE, each cell contains a bundle of MYOFIBRILS each exhibiting a banding pattern and being made up of a number of SARCOMERES arranged end to end. Nerve: median (C7-C8). The EOM are: the inferior and superior oblique muscles, and the lateral, medial, inferior, and superior rectus muscles. Tare. Gluteal region: gemelli, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, obturator externus, obturator, internus, piriformis, quadratus femoris, and tensor fasciae lata muscles. Insertion: upper medial tibia near tuberosity. Ultrasound. I have poor immunity that I get sick very often. My height is 55 and I weigh 176 lbs. Myorrhexis means the rupture of a muscle. Action: extends toes, dorsiflexes foot. Nerve: trochlear (CN IV). Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like movement, motion, hernia, fibrous connective tissue and more. Swelling. Neck muscle. Twitch skeletal muscle cells containing myoglobin and many mitochondria. See: Neck muscle. Three adjacent vertical bands of deep back muscles -- the iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis muscles. Nerve: suprascapular (C4-C6). Insertion: palmar surface of flexor retinaculum, palmar aponeurosis. Foot muscle. The lateral or the posterior cricoarytenoid -- laryngeal muscles. Forearm muscle. Action: lowers jaw, widens neck. Almost all skeletal muscle in humans is twitch muscle. Insertion: xiphoid process, costal cartilages 5-7. Action: abducts hand, flexes wrist. Origin: epicranial (scalp) aponeurosis. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Papillary Muscle Rupture. They cover anatomy and approaches; glenohumeral instability; rotator cuff and biceps; sternoclavicular joint and clavicle fractures; humeral and scapular fractures; glenhumeral arthritis; They vary from the rupture of a few fibres, as in the pulled hamstring of the footballer, and the partial tear of the gastrocnemius or the tennis elbow to the more serious frank tendon and. Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus. Action: adducts, flexes, and rotates thigh medially. Insertion: linea aspera of femur. Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins. Insertions: along the back in the angles of the lower ribs, transverse processes of the thoracic and cervical vertebrae. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. It extends upward and backward and is inserted on the epiglottis. what medication should you not use in patients with acute heart failure? A muscle strain is the stretching or tearing of muscle fibers. See: illustration. Insertion: anterior half of iliac crest, rectus sheath, inguinal ligament. Twitch muscles cells can be categorized into a number of types on the basis of the biochemical cycle that they use to produce their energy: red (oxidative), white (glycolytic), or intermediate (oxidative/glycolytic). Origin: medial epicondyle of humerus, medial side of olecranon, proximal posterior edge of ulna. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases Tearing and breaking into pieces apart asunder bobble bobbly break (something) off catch crack fall apart fall to pieces idiom fragment Nerve: tibial (S1-S2). What benefit does an exoskeleton that is thick and strong have in an aquatic environment? The chewing muscle, which is innervated by the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (CN V). Origin: lateral two-thirds of fibula. Insertions: contralateral arytenoid cartilage. 2012-10-18 01:06:19. It connects the two muscle groups (collectively, triceps surae) to the calcaneus. Nerve: inferior rectal and sacral (S4). In mild cases, only a few muscle fibers are stretched or torn, and the muscle remains intact and strong. Thigh muscle. What is the term used to refer to rupture of a muscle? Action: pulls scapula forward (anterior) and laterally (abduction), rotates scapula upward. Action: adducts and medially rotates arm. The oblique or the transverse arytenoid -- laryngeal muscles. 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rupture of a muscle quizlet

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