ex wants to be friends after years

ex wants to be friends after years

I also feel like he is in a rebound relationship because it has all the signs mentioned and is at the stage of trying to prove to everyone that the relationship is real. And if you had a friendly kind of breakup, maybe your ex just wants to be a friend of yours . Besides, deep down in your heart, you know that you dont want that either. She doesn't want to admit that she wants you back, so she pretends to just want to be friends. She told me I dont really know what to respond But I like your new whatsapp picture it is very nice, have a nice day, I took 4 days to respond that, I told her Hey, thanks for liking my profile pic, keep in touch and have a nice day. You are merely stating that this is how much youre prepared to give to a person who doesnt see you as an equal. Remaining friends with an ex is not a bad thing; but that doesnt mean that this should be your goal. You and your ex share a past. Subliminally, your partner or your ex-partner look for things that will help them grow and get the most out of their life. She then said, my feelings are going down. It was very sudden, and it definitely knocked me down because in my head we were going well. Just like when you first start dating a person, there are many things that contribute to your overall attraction with him or her. By doing earning trust via the conversations you have. She forgets good times, and and only focus on or not picks, keeps a score of trivial things, rather inconsistent in her demeanor towards the relationship. It can slow down your healing process as you are still dealing with several unresolved feelings. Now, before I move on I do want to say that there is one specific case where I believe putting yourself in the friend zone is the smartest thing you can do. Generally speaking the more you trust the person the more powerful the conversation can be. He said he still wants to be friends. I accepted. One of my friends broke up with her ex and didn't hear from him for 7 years not even a single "hi"! If he truly wants to be your friend/ misses you, he will reach out. She told me she misses me but doesn't want to be married anymore. Couples often get back together out of simple familiarity. Ex Wife who cheated wants to be friends 1yr after we divorced. He texted me the morning after the breakup and seemed genuinely concerned about me and he seemed genuinely sad too. 1. I want to have a normal, simple relationship with her and build a life. 8. There Is One Case Where Purposefully Friend Zoning Yourself Is Recommended. My ex and I ended our relationship for nearly 3 months. Your ex feels it was a rash decision and wants to work things out by taking the first step through friendship. Hi Olivia, if you want to be more than friends, then do not be his friend. How Letting Go Of An Ex Who Doesn't Want You Can Help You, reseducing your ex and that will change everything. We would be less than lovers but more than friends in my head. You experiencing jealousy is one thing, but your ex might become possessive over you, and try to prevent you from seeing anyone other than him. He said to me often that I was sadder than he originally thought I was. There is no negative reason as to why you dont want to be friends; its just that youre hoping for a bit more. Becoming friends with you can work as a stopgap or a quick fix to satiate their desire for attention until they find someone else. Please, any advice will work. He will have to make sure whether your strength is real and discern where that source originates from. Moreover, you maybe dont understand why it has to be platonic between you. Called me broski and stuff like that. If you have recently parted ways, being friends with an ex will only do more damage than good. Any advice would be appreciated thank you so much! staying friends with your ex will actually work, Why Do Guys Act Like They Dont Care After A Breakup, https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/episode12/, What to do if your ex wants to be friends but you want more, As A Holdover For Their Next Relationship, Sometimes It Can Work So Long As Rules Are Redefined, In Most Cases It Wont Work If You Are Looking To Get Back Together, The One Case Where It Is Actually Recommended. You do not meet up and hang out for 30 days minimum, and even then avoid it as you need to start re connecting through talking with him. Could I accept her back into my life? On top of that, its not easy to meet someone new when youre still seeing your ex. Hi, I was with someone in person and then long distance who has relationship anxiety due to her past baggage. It has to be your exs decision to become friends again, and it has to be your exs decision to be more than friends again. When youve got an ex that wants to be friends, the very first step is to figure out exactly what you want deep down. Use Rachael as an example that accepting your exs request to become friends is sometimes really not the best idea. I also feel guilty, because sure Id like her back but rn I have to focus on building a foundation from the ground up. If youre on this site, youre looking for solutions in terms of getting back together; not being friends with an ex that left you (or the person that maybe you broke up with.) Here are 4 good reasons you should cut all ties. In other words, they believe they can find someone else. Oh, and you may also notice another interesting question asked in the poll, How many of you have personally ever stayed friends with an ex after a breakup?. Remember, its when he is ready to be friends, and not you! From my experiences, men seemed to have put less thought in a break-up and months or years later, return to the ex in an attempt to reconcile. My ex wants to be friends with me and I can still be close to them. I met my ex through a mutual friend. She contacted me 3 weeks after BU and send me messages very 2/3 days, saying shes very busy because of uni. Agreeing to be friends is worse than hell. Denial or rejection will not happen as long as you keep your neediness in check and dont chase. She has over six years of experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. And as it turns out, friendships can lead to a lot of negative outcomes for yourself too. This person is very bad for your health, which is why you must build up your self-esteem and see her for the person she is. He said he didnt plan on dating for months or even years. After all, who better to understand them than the person they went through a breakup with? Perhaps the best part about all of this is that everything Im going to talk about today has been backed up by research or my own personal experience helping couples after a breakup. These might include: 1) Familiarity. The other part which shuts their ex down in a cold manner, not so much. Every person will have a different hierarchy. 8) They pretend they need your help. I went no contact for around 2 months. We talked about how the relationship ended, why she contacted me to begin with, and she asked if we could speak about a possible round 2 because she felt we were unexplored. If your ex says they want to be friends, or that friendship is all they can offer you at the moment, DO NOT turn down the offer because you are scared that being friends will hurt your chances. Its not impossible to get your ex back if you have friend zoned yourself but it makes life a lot more difficult. The pair announced their divorce in 2020. But three days ago he sent me a message saying he had been seeing someone else (since before we met) and he wanted to give a go at starting a relationship with them. Remember that she may not be actively looking for another relationship, but people who arent committed to any relationships get attracted to others. This is especially true if they got broken up in a ridiculously disrespectful way via text, left for another person, ghosted, treated horribly and so on. And then you will have the people who want to remain friends.. These are the things you must improve for your own benefit, as well as for your exs; These are the most important traits. I tried to make it official after 3 moths of dating but she want some more time so I agreed. So yes, youre spending time with your ex kind of like how you were before, youre being intimate, but are you really happy? My husband would compliment me every day & tell me how in love he was even when we were both mad at each other. Keep reading this article and youll find out! My Ex Wants To Be Friends - CRITICAL Rules To Follow After a Breakup. My ex husband was not ready for the real world consequences of leaving his marriage so he had been moving slowly. So in a rare case scenario where your ex says he wants to be friends with you, be aware that he doesnt genuinely want that. I believe we call this the dreaded friend zone. She put me on a slow ride of secretively killing our relationship while we are still together and I am doing all I can (even being very sick and a difficult phase of my personal/professional life). I didnt give him space until it was to late he now says he wants to be single and has offered friendship today although he has blocked me off social media. If you have a partner, think of them as well. After going through all of that I can confidently say that there are three primary reasons for why an ex would want to remain friends with you after a breakup and all of them have to do with their own self interest. Do those things and well work to get you out of the friend zone. It could also mean that they are still looking forward to a future where both of you can get back together. Since shes an ex, she doesnt need nor want you around anymore. Your email address will not be published. Make sure you remain honest if you decide to speak. Let me unpack these three insights for you. Don't immediately reply and take some time to think it over to figure out what you ultimately want out of this interaction. She offered me We can still hang out and have fun. Catch-22! At some point he has to move on! You may ask why I eat them, even when I know they will make me sick. Sign #5: Your Ex Waits a Few Weeks to Get Their Stuff Back From You. He initiated the breakup and he suggested to remain as friends. He or she looks for things you possess so you can raise their social status and overall health. It makes it easier when you bump into each other. Of course, when push comes to shove and you finally do end up texting your ex after the no contact rule he usually won't be able to resist a response. He said talking to me helps him be a better person. If you dont, shell go cold on you and tell you she started dating someone else. Somewhere along the journey, you fell in love, but moved away for work or education, leading to a breakup. The truth is that being friends with an ex might lead back into a relationship, but your best bet would be to give it some distance rather than risk hurting your current partner or coming off as needy. 2. They want to keep communicating with you and later might develop this friendship into a relationship. Not playing victim. Hey there if you want a relationship then you need to avoid falling into the friends zone the only time we allow this is if you are 100% he has moved on to someone new. After reading your article I know now that I have to be less attentive and have her provide more to it. All of that has been erased as quickly as you can say whoops. "Holy! Receiving a text or DM from an ex can trigger some strong feelings. You may avoid them or tell them directly that you do not want to be friends with them as you think the friendship will take you to the same pattern of toxicity. The less drama the better for everyone involved.. However, let me point out the proverbial fly in the ointment, its going to complicate things. Use social media posts on your stories etc to show him you are doing well without him. He's feeling sentimental. I made my decision, depending on her answers to the questions I asked like how would things be different? Whats stopping you from leaving again? Stuff like that, I would accept a probationary Round 2. Lets see how long it takes him to weasel his way back again. Weve been broken up for 8 months now and he has been in his relationship for 7 and a half months. Lack of care and attention from the person you have feelings for is dreadful. Being friends with an ex can be choppy waters to navigate, whether you're married or not. He showed a lot of concern for me over several things and even gave me a gun so I could protect myself and made a comment about how it was too bad I wasnt closer to him and talked about if I sold my house I maybe would move to the city he was in. Take your time when it comes to responding. Hi, i was seeing a girl long distance for a month(both of us are 21) (December- January). Some will jump into bed with the first person they can find (see rebound relationships.) So I unadded him and also to start the no contact. She was waiting to see if I would ever text her after that half call. This past week he called me to tell me he misses me, that he has been having a hard time with the breakup, and wanted to make sure I was okay. Youre either in a conflict with your ex and the breakup didnt lead to a calm after the storm, or youre lucky enough to be able to have a platonic and healthy relationship after a breakup that went well.. Whether thesituation is making you happy or making you feel anxious, you dont really know what to do so youre going to have to put things into perspective before you act. Other times, an ex might not be sure if it was a good idea to leave you or not, and they want to keep you close while they figure it out. Maybe your ex was never in love with you. Let us explore why your ex wants to be your buddy. If an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend wants to be friends is a good sign if they want to mend the relationship with you. Allow Yourself Time to Grieve. Unfortunately, its a black or white situation. Accepting your exs friendship and turning up the neediness is never going to work. Your exe's friends and family try to convince you to talk to them. In case it was a serious relationship which he broke, and now he wants to be friends, it means that he has realized the mistake and wants to mend the wrong he did (give him a chance if you are still single). I helped her a lot to solve her problems, i dont mind because I feel complete when helping others but I believe she was scared I leave her at some point so she decided to leave me instead. Told her I wanted to work things out. You see, Ive been doing this for almost 7 years now and Ive seen a lot in my time. While he knows you are sad and still missing him you are not going to get a change in his attitude, Hi. We never told each other we loved each other. It has been a week and he has called again very early in the morning (6am) giving me the closure talk even though I never asked for it. In doing so, you open the doors of communication again by silently telling him Im totally fine, and we can talk like normal people again.. You still have strong feelings for your ex and youre not that interested in converting your relationship into purely a friendship. I find it now that may be She only wants to be free from the utter guilt of doing something bad to me as a partner and a person by checking on me. Care to take a guess at what situation that is? Id better stay out of this. I know that person is your ex, and you want to be more than just a puppet, and thats perfectly understandable. Once the decision to become friends again has been made, your ex must start initiating conversations and leading them as well. Your boyfriend has broken up with you, however he still (or do I need to say just) wants to be friend with you. And I told her after a certain period of 6 months 1 yr that I would have to ask her to voice her feelings. He told me from the beginning he wanted to stay friends. In any case if you want to get back together with an ex, the fact that they want to stay friends is something thats going to be useful in your endeavor! My male friends however, does not yield such a huge rate of return. I didnt beg for him to stay or anything. Im so conflicted. I get it, it can be too much. Shes reaching out just to appease guilt and see what youre up to. And therein lies the rub (coz I also want him dead so I don't have to put up with his nastiness and manipulation of the kids!). Youre going to take advantage of thistherefore keep in touch. If your narcissist ex wants to remain your friend soon after a breakup or even contacts you to establish a friendship years down the road, save yourself the grief and just dont do it. They say something along the lines of I cant be your friend because I still have feelings for you. This time, not answering the phone and for sure shutting him down. 4. The next day he made me upset by not acknowledging me (a problem we had often) but acknowledged my son (his stepson) which made me give him the silent treatment (another thing we did but never more than 2 days). At many times she is there with her male friends and puts things on social media it makes me very insecure and during all this time I always feel the need to talk to her or I expect her to explain to me what she feels about me, but she never opens up which leaves me in an even worse situation. You to talk to them have the people who want to be friends ; its just that youre for... Friends is a good sign if they want to mend the relationship with you and later might this... Me helps him be a better person friends - CRITICAL Rules to Follow after certain! We loved each other well without him you, reseducing your ex, and not you understand it... Remain honest if you have a normal, simple relationship with you, reseducing your ex wants! 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ex wants to be friends after years


ex wants to be friends after years

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